Do you have a vehicle that you are thinking of selling, but don’t have time to post and respond to ads online or are simply (and understandably) uncomfortable having strangers come to your home to check it out? Do you have an old beater that doesn’t run and you are not even sure what to do with it?
If yes, we have a solution!
We have partnered with Driven 2 Donate. Driven 2 Donate is a Colorado vehicle donation program that was created by Step Denver, a 501(c)(3). Step Denver is a recovery program in downtown Denver that offers men the opportunity to overcome addiction and rebuild their lives through a program of sobriety, work, accountability, and community.
At no cost to you, Driven 2 Donate will handle everything! You simply notify Driven 2 Donate and they will arrange a pick-up time convenient for you and then, all you need to do is provide a title and designate the Foundation to be the recipient of the sale proceeds. A whopping 80% of the proceeds go directly to the Foundation, and the remaining 20% benefits Step Denver.
Your vehicle donation will have double the impact!
The IRS may allow you to take a charitable-tax deduction on your federal income tax return for the gross sale amount of your vehicle. If the gross sale of the vehicle is greater than $500, the IRS may require you to out Form 8283, “Non-cash Contributions.” For more information, consult your tax professional. Call 720.457.2538 for more information, or donate today at
Do you shop at King Soopers? Did you know that the Colorado State Patrol Family Foundation participates in the King Soopers/City Market Community Rewards Program, which enables CSPFF earn a portion of money back from your purchases. All you have to do is enroll your loyalty card by following the instructions here.
Do you shop on online? If so, you can make continuous donations to the Colorado State Patrol Family Foundation by shopping at over 1,000 stores, including COSCO, Target, Home Depot, Walgreens, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Michaels, Walmart, Best Buy and Lowes, to name a few. Your favorite stores are bound to be on the list! Simply download the SHOPRAISE app, select the Colorado State Patrol Family Foundation as your charity and begin shopping. Each retailer donates a varying percentage of your total amount, which is then evenly split between SHOPRAISE and the Foundation. It is a simple and easy way to help support our mission! For more information, please click here.